About me
I’m an author, who is addicted to words. I love the way they look, the way they sound and the way they make me feel. I hope that my words will make you come just a little bit more alive.
I write before the sunrise, during nap time and in the thrill of an occasional coffee shop getaway. My life is wrapped around a baby named Alec, a toddler named Elsie and a daughter named Adelaide, a husband named Steven and a small farm in central Kentucky. Scribbled between the lines of my life is the constant love of God, which breathes beauty and purpose into the otherwise mundane.
Current novel: Telling the true-life story of a man named Rindy Nong who survived the Cambodian Genocide. It’s a story that haunts me as I write it, full of what it means to persist against the odds. If you’re interested, you can find out more about what has led me here and follow along with where it leads next in my “blog” section! I hope you enjoy sharing in my journey!